— 1 cup (250mL/8½fl oz) commercial plant-based milk or homemade nut milk
— A few ice cubes
— 1/2 tsp cinnamon plus a little extra to garnish
— 1/4 tsp nutmeg
— 2 large fresh figs or 3 smaller figs (about 150g / 5 1/4 oz) – reserve a slice to garnish
— 1 large frozen or fresh banana
— 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
— 2 tsp raw cacao nibs
— 2 tsp chia seeds
-Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender and turn up the speed to high until well combined
-Top with a slice of fresh fig and a little extra cinnamon
Delicious Recipe courtesy of:
Lucy Taylor
Lucy’s food journal
Check out more recipes at Bloom Nutritionist