Perfect for a cold night
— Tomatoes – about ten medium or however many will fit in your blender!
— 1 Large Eggplant
— 1 Pack of Tofu (I used the Aldi one, any firm tofu will work)
— 1 Cup of Mushrooms
— 3 Small Zucchinis
— 1 teaspoon Smoked Sweet Paprika (or to taste)
— Salt and Pepper
— 1 cup Soaked Cashews (soaked 1 hour to overnight, or not at all if using a high speed blender)
— 3-5 cloves Roasted Garlic or to taste
— Water (up to half a cup depending on cashews)
— Pinch of Salt
Soup Method:
* Chop then sauté eggplant, tofu, mushrooms, zucchini and paprika in a large pot until soft.
* Blend tomatoes then add to pot with other vegetables, add salt and pepper.
Cream Method:
* Blend cashews with a little water, garlic and a pinch of salt. Start with a teensy bit of water and add more as you go until you have a creamy consistency.
Delicious Recipe courtesy of:
Zoe’s food journal
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