We are passionate about spreading the word that all can not only survive but absolutely thrive on a whole foods plant based lifestyle which not only benefits our health, but spreads compassion and a kinder awareness towards the planet we live on and all that inhabit it.
Eating an exclusively plant-based diet can be incredibly satisfying and tasty.
We have included a great selection of delicious & nutritious Plant based recipes for the whole family to enjoy.
We also have a GREAT range of Books & DVDs available:
Australians demand for animal products is on the decline, and this trend is set to continue.
Plant-based foods offer an incredible variety of meal opportunities.
When people find out that I don’t eat meat or dairy, they often ask “what do you eat?” My response is “what don’t I eat?” Variety keeps things interesting and there are infinite delicious plant-based possibilities—a universe of them.
Check out our Recipe section for inspiration & ideas – Eating Plant Based Diet doesn’t mean you need to go without – there are plenty of delicious & nutrition meals available & the possibilities are endless!
Whole, plant-based foods means less damaging fats & more antioxidants, more nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber and we all know that we need all of these components for optimal health.
Eating a diet loaded with plant-powerful foods is our biological diet.
Well-planned plant-based diets can support healthy lifestyles at every age, from pre-parenthood, through pregnancy and breast-feeding, childhood and adulthood, and on into later years.
Since switching to a 100% plant-based I’ve noticed many benefits and a much higher sense of well-being overall.
The reasons for the rise of interest in plant-based diets are powerful, and growing.
There are differing reasons why people choose to eat an exclusively (or at least mostly) plant-based diet:
The Planet / Our Environment
The People / World Hunger
No matter the reason, we all share space in a world riddled with endless nutritional confusion and out-of-whack priorities – A place where easier, faster and cheaper are favoured.
It’s time for us to become informed and empowered. It’s time for us all to be accountable. We have the power to heal ourselves, and the power to be healthier and happier than we ever imagined possible.
Adopting a plant-based, or at least plant-centric approach to your plate is the single most powerful and positively impactful choice you can make as a conscious, compassionate consumer. A choice that will help prevent and reverse disease; reduce your carbon footprint; and preserve the planet for our children and animal friends alike.
You are powerful. More powerful than you
ever imagined. By leaving animals off your plate, you are changing the course of history by helping halt climate change and saving countless lives, including your own—all while looking and feeling phenomenal.
There is plenty of information to assist if you are interestested in pursuing this cruelty free lifestyle.
We have selected some links and information to assist you on your journey.
Plant Based Advocates:
Other Websites full of great information!
Facebook Groups – Meet like minded people!
Watch these documentaries and be inspired to make the change from supporting oppression, violence and killing to the side of justice, peace and respect!
Forks Over Knives
Forks over Knives is a 2011 film which examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal based and processed foods.
Forks over Knives will teach you the MANY health benefits of cutting animal products from your diet, including reduced chances of cancers, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and much more.
– You will learn that animal agriculture is rapidly destroying this planet and going vegan is no longer a choice, but rather a necessity!
Earthlings is a 2005 film about humanity’s use of animals as pets, food, clothing, entertainment and for scientific research.
This documentary is a must for the vegan curious and for those who are yet to understand the importance of all aspects of the vegan lifestyle.
You will see exactly what happens to animals before they become a neatly wrapped package on the supermarket shelf.
A must watch and as Gary Yourofsky says, “If it isn’t good enough for your eyes, then why is it good enough for your stomach?”
Their lives depend on it. Our lives depend on it. Our childrens lives depend on it.
Some other great docos to assist with your journey
A Delicate Balance
A Delicate Balance is an Australian Film which predominantly explores the effects of animal protein on the human body and the environment and will help you make informed choices to reduce your personal impact.
A Delicate Balance was nominated for Best Unreleased Documentary by the AFCA and is a must-see for everyone concerned about their health or the environment.
This documentary follows three meat-and-dairy-loving New Yorkers as they try to stick to a vegan diet for six weeks. After watching the film, try taking the “Vegucated” challenge yourself to better apply the documentary’s findings to your own healthy life. This title is available for instant streaming on Netflix.
Food Matters
Food Matters is a 2008 film about nutrition, exploring malnutrition and cancer causes.
The film presents the thesis that a selective diet can play a key role in treating a range of health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and depression often without the need of medical treatment.
This film makes the claim that the over-industrialization of food production is making the nation sicker and sicker, and looks at the proliferation of chemicals added to food touted as “healthy.” The film looks at the relationship between the lack of nutrients that Americans consume and our rising health care costs. Providing a thorough argument, the film gives solutions as well for the problems it presents. This title is available for instant streaming on Netflix.
Supersize Me
A well-known documentary by Morgan Spurlock, the film makes a simple argument that fast food makes us fat and unhealthy. To prove it, he takes a 30-day challenge where he can only eat food on the McDonalds menu, and he travels around the country to interview experts and regular Americans. If you’re looking for a kick to stop eating fast food, this doc is fantastic medicine.
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Holistic medical doctor Dr. Gabriel Cousens challenges six Americans suffering from diabetes to give up meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and other items and adopt an entirely organic, raw, vegan diet. The end goal is to cure their disease using raw plant foods. The documentary takes viewers on these peoples’ journeys and captures their medical, physical, and emotional changes on the diet plan. At the end, you’ll have realized the true impact that healthy eating can have on our bodies, not just for our appearance, but also to heal our ailments from the inside out.
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
This inspiring documentary chronicles Joe Cross’s mission to regain his health. Starting at 100 pounds overweight with an autoimmune disease and a body full of steroids, Cross vows to only eat fruit and vegetable juices for 30 days. He interviews more than 500 Americans about food, then meets a 429-pound truck driver with the same medical condition. The two connect and the end result of a beautiful film that will inspire you to make changes in your own life.
The Cove
The Cove is a 2009 film that analyzes and questions Japan’s dolphin hunting culture. It was awarded the academy award for best documentary feature in 2010.
The film is a call to action to halt mass dolphin kills, change Japanese fishing practices, and to inform and educate the public about the risks, and increasing hazard, of mercury poisoning from dolphin meat.
Black Fish
BLACKFISH tells the story of Tilikum, a notoriously aggressive orca that killed three people while in captivity. Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite uses shocking footage and emotional interviews to present a convincing case against keeping these wild animals for human entertainment.
Speciesism is a documentary that focuses primarily on factory farming with a mix of philosophy along the way relating to animals role in our human run world. Director Mark Devries, who is in his early 20’s, sets out to investigate the world of of factory farms.
The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear – Gary Yourofsky
The best speech you will ever hear is not a documentary but a 1 & 1/2 hour Youtube video by Gary Yourofsky.
It will challenge every thought you ever had and covers every facet of veganism.
Animals should be off the menu debate – Phillip Wollen
The following talk was given during a 90 minute debate called ‘Animals should be off the menu’. I would hope that anyone who cares about the planet and the well-being of ALL those who share it will listen to this talk, regardless of whether you’re pro, undecided, or anti vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.
101 Reasons to Go Vegan Presentation
This presentation by James Wildman, to celebrate World Vegan Day on November 1st. James delivers a humorous and honest look at diet and culture, and gives compelling reasons why a plant-based diet is right for us, the animals and the planet.
Vegan 2015 – The Film
“Is The Mainstream Ready To Embrace The Vegan Movement Now?”
The impact on “Human health, the environment and towards animal cruelty” by the consumption in eating animal-based foods is now well known. Many people worldwide are turning to the Vegan lifestyle, as its not only benefits our own health by many other important issues are resolved. Watch the video and learn the true facts. The Vegan movement and scientific data evidence strongly conclude the true, and these findings are indeed indisputable.
The Secret Reason We Eat Meat – Dr Melanie Joy
This presentation by psychologist Dr Melanie Joy explores ‘Carnism” and the reasoning as to why we eat certain animals but not others?
Have you ever wondered why we eat Chickens wings but not Swans Wings? Beef Burgers, but not Mouse Burgers?
Why do we drink Cows Milk but not Pigs Milk?
Why do we have pet dogs whilst we consume other animals?
Most of us eat animals because we have been conditioned to believe this is all ok.
Eating animals is not a necessity – it is a choice.
Hopefully you all find this information helpful.
If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us & Please share this page with anyone that may be interested in this beautiful lifestyle!