Perfect for BBQ and one of my all time favourite work lunches, quick and easy to prepare and cheap too!
To make these cut the top and tail off as many carrots as you want to turn into hot dogs, and boil till a fork goes through them but not till they are mushy soft, they need to still hold them selves together so normally takes about 10 mins for an average carrot.
Then put them in cold running water to stop them cooking further. Put them in a zip lock bag with some soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, garlic powder, cumin, onion powder, agave (or molasses or coconut nectar), salt, pepper, vegan bullion, olive oil, nutmeg and some water. If you have it add some liquid smoke too for that extra BBQ flavour! Put the carrots in and marinate them for 24 to 36 hours turning them when you can to well coat the carrots.
Then put them in a fry pan with some oil and the liquid from the bag, and fry until the liquid evaporates and it has all caramelized on the carrots. Best served with fried onion and tomato sauce in a bun!
David’s food journal
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