
.Crystal – Carnelian Tumbled Stone – SOLD OUT


Aligns physical & etheric bodies.
Enhances attunement with inner self.
Facilitates Concentration, opens the heart.
It is warm social & Joyous!

Product Description

Aligns physical & etheric bodies.
Enhances attunement with inner self.
Facilitates Concentration, opens the heart.
A  variety of chalcedony.  Very highly evolved mineral healer.
Vitalizes physical/emotional/mental  bodies.
Warming,  social,  joyous.
Chakras: Navel, Solar Plexus, Heart.















Healing crystal meanings are meant as spiritual supports to healing and are not healthcare advice or prescriptions. Use the crystal meanings  to help find your own inner  truth; what is best and right for one is not necessary so for another.  Some crystals and formations have long-standing traditional uses and properties while others may have newer discoveries of uses or properties. Follow the guidance and wisdom of the Divine and of your higher self when working with crystals