



Ionic Wrist Band for improved strength, endurance and flexibility.

The Ener-Band has been designed to improve overall performance while engaged in any type of sport.

The Wrist Band raises the vibration of your Bio-field, and corrects the polarity of your magnetic fields to balance any noxious Electromagnetic energies which deplete your energy levels during physical activity.

Product Description



Ionic Wrist Band for improved strength, endurance and flexibility.
The Ener-Band has been designed to improve overall performance while engaged in any type of sport.
The Wrist Band raises the vibration of your Bio-field, and corrects the polarity of your magnetic fields to balance any noxious Electromagnetic energies which deplete your energy levels during physical activity.
The Sports Wrist Band enhances:


    • Strength
    • Endurance
    • Flexibility
    • Coordination
    • Intuition
    • Concentration levels
    • Helps to compensate for those low energy days

The Ener-Band has been independently tested to be in complete harmony with the heart.  An extremely important  function which no other energy wrist band is capable of. (see GDV imasges on right).
Made from a lightweight energized silicon rubber system, the band is waterproof and extremely durable and can withstand extremes of hot and cold without affecting your performance.
The band has been rigorously tested across a wide range of athletes for total compatibility with the human energy field  for improved performance.
The Ener-Band band is also a powerful Negative Ion Generator capable of balancing the Positive Ion resonance from all types of noxious EMF and Geopathic Stress energy depleting fields for a distance of up to 10 metres around the wearer.
Ener-Band is also a powerful Electromagnetic Radiation field energy balancer, enabling 100% noxious energy protection for people working around electrical equipment such as computers in office environments.
How Does the Ener-Band Work?
The Ener-Band is a powerful Negative Ion generator.
Negative Ion is  the resonance of nature, in which people thrive mentally and physically. Negative Ion fields are rich in oxygen, and are lower in their gravitational field, which puts no stress on human organs and the nervous system and is in tune with the heart frequency.
Therefore, people feel happier, healthier and feel lighter when subjected to a Negative Ion field.
The Ener-Band creates a Negative Ion field for up to 10 metres around the wearer. Other  energy bands do not have this performance capability.
Creating a large Negative Ion field around the wearer enables the electromagnetic field created by our hearts, called the taurus, to extend to its fullest without any Positive Ion interference which shatters the heart taurus. When the heart taurus field is strong there is little stress placed on it and  the nervous system, thus allowing it to operate more efficiently.
Ener-Band does not give the wearer energy. In fact no energy products ‘give’ you energy. Some energy products do not operate at the correct frequency and therefore can drain you of energy.
The Ener-Band stops the wearer from being robbed of energy, by creating a healthy high energy environment around the wearer, which enables good sports performance.



Frequently Asked Questions:
Does the Ener-Band only need to be worn when out of range of the Geoclense?



How long will the Ener-Band last for?

It will last forever so long as you are careful not to cut it, because being made from silicone, it will create a tear from any cuts


Is it safe to wear the Ener-Band all day or just during physical training?

Yes, it is safe to wear all day.


Can we wear these products day and night 24/7?

Yes, you can wear them 24/7, however if you have a Geoclense there is no need. They come into effect when you’re out and away from the Geoclense.


Is the Ener-Band material strong enough for rough use?

It will last forever so long as you are careful not to cut it, because being made from silicone, it will create a tear from any cuts.


Do any upgrades need to be done on the Ener-Band or Pendants? 

No upgrades needed for the pendants or bands.


What is the difference between the Ener-Band and the Pendants?

No difference.


Is the Ener-Band as effective as the Orange Pendant?



What is the difference between Ener-Band and a Bracelet? 

The Ener-Bands and bracelets both work the same way, just look different.


Can the Ener-Band get wet?  Is it OK to wear in the shower or bath and at swimming lessons or do we have to take them off? 

Yes, the Ener-Band is quite durable and you can get it wet without damaging it.


All Orgone Effects products produce a negative charge resonance, which is as close to nature as possible.
This is vitally important because the correct negative charge frequencies are required to successfully neutralize and balance the positive charge resonance, which is the harmful component of any electromagnetic field, thus neutralizing any electromagnetic stress on the human body.
Orgone Effects® products are made from our exclusive Orgonium® process and will last a lifetime.
Using traditional Building Biology scientific instruments such as the Biotensor and Lecher Antenna, these products have been tested and their effectiveness has been demonstrated.
The full range of harmonizing products have been field tested and proven to be effective, and are recommended and distributed worldwide by Accredited Health Professionals such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners, Naturopaths and Chiropractors.


Additional Information

Weight .100 kg


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